Generate NODE JS web application - Express generator module
Auto generate NODE JS web application folder structure.
This article is for beginners who wants to create a web
application using NODE JS but don’t know about the project structure and basic
files inside the folders. You can create
a folder Skelton using Express generator
It’s very simple to generate web application using
express-generator. Before auto generate project structure, you need to ensure
that NODE JS is properly installed in you PC. Must read
article to ensure that NODE JS framework is installed in your PC.
You just need to
follow below instruction to generate it.
1) Create a folder NodeJSExamples in your C:\ drive.
2) OPEN Command prompt and run cd NodeJSExamples command.
3) run $ npm install express-generator -g command to install
express generator
4) run $ express --view=hbs mywebapp command. This command will
generate the folder structure inside the mywebapp folder.
Below output
will be generated
--view=hbs mywebapp
create : mywebapp\
create : mywebapp\public\
create : mywebapp\public\javascripts\
create : mywebapp\public\images\
create : mywebapp\public\stylesheets\
create :
create : mywebapp\routes\
create : mywebapp\routes\index.js
create : mywebapp\routes\users.js
create : mywebapp\views\
create : mywebapp\views\error.hbs
create : mywebapp\views\index.hbs
create : mywebapp\views\layout.hbs
create : mywebapp\app.js
create : mywebapp\package.json
create : mywebapp\bin\
create : mywebapp\bin\www
change directory:
> cd mywebapp
install dependencies:
> npm install
run the app:
> SET DEBUG=mywebapp:* & npm start
5) Now go to the mywebapp folder using cd mywebapp command and install dependency as below
npm notice
created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
added 81
packages in 2.489s
6) Run your first web app using npm start command.
7) Once your application will have ran successfully.
Now you have learn how to create web application in NODE JS using express
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