
Showing posts from December 18, 2017

Mule Configuration XML tags for RabbitMQ

Mule Configuration XML tags As we know, AMQP Connector was not auto included in the Studio/ Eclipse. I have created mule xml configuration manually for one of my project. Before started writing flow and global variables in mule configurations file, we need to write correct mule tag for rabbitmq so that Flow can work without breaking. Below is the tested mule tag. <mule xmlns:tracking="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:jdbc-ee="" xmlns:metadata="" xmlns:json="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:amqp="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc="

Mule Flow: Reading messages from rabbitmq

In a project, Our Mule service was reading some messages from Rabbit MQ in the project. After that these messages was transformed from byte-array to object in json format. Step 2 was to convert these JSON object into the Java bean object. After converting it to Java object, passed these java object messages into our main java component for business logic. To achieving this, I followed below steps: Reading some messages from Rabbit MQ Transformed from byte-array to object in json format Convert these JSON object into the Java bean object Sent this workload into the Java class. For Step 1: Created some global variables in the MULE configuration xml file. <amqp:connector validateConnections="true" doc:name="AMQP Connector" name="AMQP_0_9_Connector" /> <amqp:endpoint exchangeName="main-exchange" queueName="<<Your Queue Name>>" exchangeDurable="true" name="AMQP_0_9_queue1...

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