Abhi On Java: Invoking Web Services through a proxy using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS

Abhi On Java: Invoking Web Services through a proxy using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS

Not very often, we face the possibility of invoking Web Services provided by external entities that are outside our network. Some companies solve this by configuring their network to allow some application servers to bypass proxy servers. Whatever be the case, when in development, developers have to to be able to invoke web services through proxies. This post will be describe how to
  • Invoking Web Services through a proxy using JAX-RPC
  • Invoking Web Services through a proxy using JAX-WS
The solutions provided here are specific to Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3. I would suggest that you try the solutions provided on "Java Networking and Proxies", and only if they don't work (which happened to me), try the following.


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